Broken Kid, Bad Kid: Schools & Foster System Must Do More for Students in Need – Next100
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Broken Kid, Bad Kid: Schools & Foster System Must Do More for Students in Need

To improve their educational outcomes, students in the foster system need support that centers their voices and experiences.

Next100 policy entrepreneur Chantal Hinds and executive director of At The Table, Michael Zink, wrote an op-ed for The74 about how schools can improve the educational outcomes of youth in the foster system by increasing data transparency, investing in staff training, and creating communities of support. Chantal and Michael highlight how centering the voices and experiences of young people in the foster system is key to providing the support they need to succeed. They write:

“Schools can and must take steps to better understand the unique circumstances of these young people and do the meaningful work to meet them where they are with compassion and support.”

Read the full op-ed in The74 here.

About the Author

Chantal Hinds Education + Early Years

Chantal is an advocate for students involved in the foster system, working to ensure they have the school support they need to succeed. At Next100, Chantal’s work focuses on improving academic outcomes and narrowing the opportunity gap between students in the foster system and their peers. Chantal draws on her experience as an education attorney working directly with students and families impacted by the foster system and seeks to see schools as sources of support, encouragement, and care for this unique and vulnerable population.

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