Chantal Hinds Quoted in The Imprint – Next100
News Mention   Education + Early Years

Chantal Hinds Quoted in The Imprint

The Imprint spoke to Next100 policy entrepreneur Chantal Hinds about her take on recent data released by New York City revealing that only one in four students in the foster system graduates in four years.

Madison Hunt and Michael Fitzgerald of The Imprint wrote on the recent report from the New York City Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI), which found that graduation rates for students in the foster system in New York City were far lower than was previously understood. The CIDI report was a first-of-its kind study that looked at students who had spent seven days or more in foster care in high school over a period of 15 years. The study found that these students only had a graduation rate of 25%. Chantal says:
“There has to be a reckoning with these numbers and with the truth. We have to reveal and unmask what’s really going on.”
Read the full piece from The Imprint here.

About the Author

Chantal Hinds Education + Early Years

Chantal is an advocate for students involved in the foster system, working to ensure they have the school support they need to succeed. At Next100, Chantal’s work focuses on improving academic outcomes and narrowing the opportunity gap between students in the foster system and their peers. Chantal draws on her experience as an education attorney working directly with students and families impacted by the foster system and seeks to see schools as sources of support, encouragement, and care for this unique and vulnerable population.

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